How to copy medical CD to harddrive
(too old to reply)
2015-01-11 22:57:24 UTC
I am very confused.

I want to ASAP and before I consult with the surgeon send my brother, an
MD radiologist, a copy of the nuclear scan I had last week. It's on a

My brother is not too handy with computers. He has Win8. I have

1) I have the idea that it's not only smaller but will be easier for him
to use if I zip all the files, because when he unzips them they will be
in the right heirarchy. Does that sound right?

Neither WE nor PD6 had zipping the files from the CD as an option so I
copied the whole directory to the D: drive. However, even before
zipping them I tried to display the scan image from the D: drive.

THE PROBLEM is that once everything is copied to D:\parathyroid-scany
and I click on Start.exe (which works on the CD) I get the message:
"Retrieving requested studies" and then

"Study loadling problem
Cannot load study. Study files are corrupted"

How can I solve this problem, OR, how can I get the images to my brother
before my Tuesday appointment with the doctor?

a) Is there someplace else I can put the copy-to directory to make this
work better; OR some way I can zip straight from the CD. (I'm using the
zip built in to PowerDesk.)?

b) Can I attach the CD files to the email without zipping, I suppose I
can do that, and I could use Team Viewer to rebuild the directory
structure on my brother's computer, but it seems so fussy, I won't be
able to make it work. (I don't have webspace to store them. I've
never done that.)

Sjouke Burry
2015-01-11 23:25:34 UTC
Post by micky
I am very confused.
I want to ASAP and before I consult with the surgeon send my brother, an
MD radiologist, a copy of the nuclear scan I had last week. It's on a
My brother is not too handy with computers. He has Win8. I have
1) I have the idea that it's not only smaller but will be easier for him
to use if I zip all the files, because when he unzips them they will be
in the right heirarchy. Does that sound right?
Neither WE nor PD6 had zipping the files from the CD as an option so I
copied the whole directory to the D: drive. However, even before
zipping them I tried to display the scan image from the D: drive.
THE PROBLEM is that once everything is copied to D:\parathyroid-scany
"Retrieving requested studies" and then
"Study loadling problem
Cannot load study. Study files are corrupted"
How can I solve this problem, OR, how can I get the images to my brother
before my Tuesday appointment with the doctor?
a) Is there someplace else I can put the copy-to directory to make this
work better; OR some way I can zip straight from the CD. (I'm using the
zip built in to PowerDesk.)?
b) Can I attach the CD files to the email without zipping, I suppose I
can do that, and I could use Team Viewer to rebuild the directory
structure on my brother's computer, but it seems so fussy, I won't be
able to make it work. (I don't have webspace to store them. I've
never done that.)
Burn a copy of the CD and use snail mail to send it ti him.
Mark Perkins
2015-01-12 07:24:17 UTC
Post by micky
I am very confused.
That explains the wacky disjointed set of shotgunned newsgroups.
Post by micky
I want to ASAP and before I consult with the surgeon send my brother, an
MD radiologist, a copy of the nuclear scan I had last week. It's on a
The last time I got x-rays and test results on a CD, there was a viewer
program that simply displayed a series of very large TIF image files. Every
image viewer understands that format, so I dumped their viewer and just
saved the image files. Have you looked to see if you can do the same? If so,
it would save you from all of this ISO-copying nonsense. Good luck.

2015-01-12 16:00:59 UTC
Post by Mark Perkins
Post by micky
I am very confused.
That explains the wacky disjointed set of shotgunned newsgroups.
Post by micky
I want to ASAP and before I consult with the surgeon send my brother, an
MD radiologist, a copy of the nuclear scan I had last week. It's on a
The last time I got x-rays and test results on a CD, there was a viewer
program that simply displayed a series of very large TIF image files. Every
image viewer understands that format, so I dumped their viewer and just
saved the image files. Have you looked to see if you can do the same? If so,
it would save you from all of this ISO-copying nonsense. Good luck.
Well worth a try.
Perhaps even dl and install the free Irfanview viewer program. (
http://www.irfanview.com/ )
2015-01-12 18:50:07 UTC
Post by Mark Perkins
Post by micky
I am very confused.
That explains the wacky disjointed set of shotgunned newsgroups.
Yep, he does that a lot in some other NGs.

Question: If time is so urgent, why is he wasting it waiting for NG
responses? If he had FedExed, it would already be there.
Web based forums are like subscribing to 10 different newspapers
and having to visit 10 different news stands to pickup each one.
Email list-server groups and USENET are like having all of those
newspapers delivered to your door every morning.
2015-01-12 23:11:35 UTC
Post by Mark Perkins
Post by micky
I am very confused.
That explains the wacky disjointed set of shotgunned newsgroups.
Yes, you're right.

In fact I was already to post when I realized one directory and 3 files
were not really on the CD like I thought they were, so I took out the
two paragraphs related to that, and will start another thread
eventually. But I didn't think to take out the newsgroup(s) I added
because of them.
Post by Mark Perkins
Post by micky
I want to ASAP and before I consult with the surgeon send my brother, an
MD radiologist, a copy of the nuclear scan I had last week. It's on a
The last time I got x-rays and test results on a CD, there was a viewer
program that simply displayed a series of very large TIF image files. Every
image viewer understands that format, so I dumped their viewer and just
saved the image files. Have you looked to see if you can do the same? If so,
Yeah, there is nothing like that. The biggest file in the STUDY
directory (as opposed to the APPS directort) is 500K but the file name
is 6629000.std.ipd . (For lack of other ideas, I copied it to the
HDD, removed .ipd and opened it, but Open Office thinks its a text file
and it just shows as garbage.) I googled open ipd file extension
but haven't had time to work on that yet.

The next biggest file is 25K and ends in .std , which Open Office
volunteered to display. It's a text file that has a list of every time
I 've been to any branch of this radiology clinic, who referred me, etc.
with a lot of fields blank and no results, even when results were in
text form.

Almost all the rest are under 2K and the five or six which aren't have
extensions like .han .

The 12 .jpg files I referred to in another post are nowhere to be found
in the file directory. They must be generated on the fly, From t he
500K file?

THERE IS A 3MEG HELP FILE, but I figured there was a good chance my
brother has already used this software. It discusses many ways to
manipulate the images but nothing about saving or exporting them.
Post by Mark Perkins
it would save you from all of this ISO-copying nonsense. Good luck.

P.S. Sixteen files are .ini files. This is the first part of a typical

; MIV configuration file

0=Preset W&indow
1=3D Anchors
2=Change Source Series
3=Apply Hanging Protocol

0=SUBMENU Layout
2=SUBMENU Page Format
6=SHARPEN Sharpen
9=COMMENTS Reports-Notes

2015-01-12 18:44:01 UTC
Post by micky
How can I solve this problem, OR, how can I get the images to my brother
before my Tuesday appointment with the doctor?
Burn a copy of it and FedEx the copy CD to him.
Web based forums are like subscribing to 10 different newspapers
and having to visit 10 different news stands to pickup each one.
Email list-server groups and USENET are like having all of those
newspapers delivered to your door every morning.
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