Test message
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E. S. Fabian
2010-05-06 19:55:13 UTC
My previous Usenet server disappeared, forcing me away from the group for a
while. Klaus Meinhard, thanks for directing me to the free Usenet news
server news.eternal-september.org - it provides the service I was hoping to
obtain. I still have a minor problem to merge old posts previously obtained
and still stored in Outlook Express .dbx files into the same new .dbx file
into which future posts are merged.
Klaus Meinhard
2010-05-07 06:24:32 UTC
Hallo Steve,
Post by E. S. Fabian
My previous Usenet server disappeared, forcing me away from the group
for a while. Klaus Meinhard, thanks for directing me to the free
Usenet news server news.eternal-september.org - it provides the
service I was hoping to obtain. I still have a minor problem to merge
old posts previously obtained and still stored in Outlook Express .dbx
files into the same new .dbx file into which future posts are merged.
Nice to have you back :-)

Using OE, you could try exporting the old news and import them (I never
tried that, so I don't know if it will work). Or look in the web, there
are tools to (hopefully) handle that job.
Best Regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
E. S. Fabian
2010-05-07 12:37:19 UTC
Klaus Meinhard wrote:
| Using OE, you could try exporting the old news and import them (I
| never tried that, so I don't know if it will work). Or look in the
| web, there are tools to (hopefully) handle that job.

Unfortunately OE has the habit of dropping the newsgroup from its folder
list, though without deleting the actual .dbx file, when the NG is no longer
accessible. This leaves an orphaned file behind. It is based on the false
assumption that NGs never contain anything worth archiving.
For the future I will try a new approach: using message rules, I'll copy
each incoming post into a mail folder (not a news folder). Mail folder
purging is strictly user controlled, mine is set to NEVER, so the
disappearance of the NG or an entire server will not affect old messages.