Caesar Romano
2009-05-06 14:57:53 UTC
Re: 4NT 7.01.370 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
The other day I noticed something I never noticed before. I had a
directory with a System attribute set.
I wanted to remove the "S" attribute but found that the command
was just wondering about this. Has attrib always required the +d in a
situation like this?
The other day I noticed something I never noticed before. I had a
directory with a System attribute set.
attrib /a:d *
__S_D________ D:\mydata\webs\dcsI wanted to remove the "S" attribute but found that the command
attrib /a:d -s dcs
wouldn't work. Instead I had to use the commandattrib /a:d -s +d dcs
I've never had to remove the S attribute from a D file before and Iwas just wondering about this. Has attrib always required the +d in a
situation like this?