4NT and AVG anti-virus
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Hans Rosinee
2010-11-25 21:45:17 UTC
I use AVG anti-virus and is generally very happy with it.

But the problem is that AVG deletes 4nt.exe and 4nt.lnk (the shortcut
that started my shell) whenever it encounters an infected program that
I run from the 4nt prompt. It *deletes* the whole process-tree so to say.
One might expect that AVG would trust a popular shell like 4NT, but not so
it seems. Is there any good way except excluding 4nt.exe from resident
E. S. Fabian
2010-11-26 01:53:41 UTC
Post by Hans Rosinee
I use AVG anti-virus and is generally very happy with it.
But the problem is that AVG deletes 4nt.exe and 4nt.lnk (the shortcut
that started my shell) whenever it encounters an infected program that
I run from the 4nt prompt. It *deletes* the whole process-tree so to say.
One might expect that AVG would trust a popular shell like 4NT, but not so
it seems. Is there any good way except excluding 4nt.exe from resident
I gave up on AVG - too many false alarms. Some builds of 4NT.EXE and
TCC.EXE (or one or more of the associated .DLL files) and Grisoft refused to
accept them as correct. Suggest you find a better antivirus program (one
with fewer false alarms).
Laurent Jumet
2010-11-26 07:33:17 UTC
Hello E. !
Post by E. S. Fabian
Post by Hans Rosinee
I use AVG anti-virus and is generally very happy with it.
I gave up on AVG - too many false alarms. Some builds of 4NT.EXE and
TCC.EXE (or one or more of the associated .DLL files) and Grisoft refused to
accept them as correct. Suggest you find a better antivirus program (one
with fewer false alarms).
From that moment you feel comfortable with the OS, better leave AV package and install a separate protection:
- HOSTS file
- FireWall (Kerio 2.1.5)
- Optional scan for incoming .exe and suspect files.
Laurent Jumet - Point de Chat, Liège, BELGIUM
KeyID: 0xCFAF704C
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