can't get patch to work do to mismatched one or more files
(too old to reply)
2009-03-12 13:37:43 UTC
Hello all, I am new to this group (and to building 4dos source).
From the "4DOS REVIVED" site I downloaded the 1st PATCHES files
(into dir c:\ovdos\try\4dos) to get the "original" 7.50.1 source tree.
Then I downloaded the PATCHES PATCH.RTP file into there also.
My dir listing looks like:
Volume in drive C is unlabeled Serial number is 48A9:483D
Directory of C:\ovdos\try\4dos\*

3-10-2009 5:07a <DIR> .
3-10-2009 5:07a <DIR> ..
3-11-2009 7:58a <DIR> 4doshelp
3-11-2009 7:58a <DIR> 4helpsrc
3-10-2009 7:16a <DIR> dos
3-10-2009 8:45a <DIR> masm611d
3-10-2009 8:32a <DIR> msc
11-12-2006 4:00p 22,059 4ALL.H
11-12-2006 4:00p 330,519 4DLINIT.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 8,508 4DLMSG.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 19,553 4DLPARMS.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 13,084 4DLSTRUC.ASM
8-15-2004 9:37p 8,886 4DOS
11-12-2006 4:00p 34,286 4DOS.ASM
8-23-2004 8:41a 265,944 4DOS.COM
11-12-2006 4:00p 10,231 4DOS.H
2-11-2003 9:11p 807,462 4DOS.HLP
10-07-2006 5:51p 766 4dos.ico
12-26-2001 11:43a 1,095 4DOS.LIN
8-15-2004 9:36p 491 4DOS.LNK
3-11-2009 7:57a 1,458,555 4dos7501.zip
3-11-2009 7:57a 28,987 4dos7502.diff
3-11-2009 7:57a 4,410 4dos7503.rar
3-11-2009 7:56a 987,030 4DOSHELP.ZIP
12-26-2001 11:43a 1,539 4DOSLST
11-12-2006 4:00p 5,638 4DOSTART.ASM
8-23-2004 8:41a 1,551 4DOSTART.LIB
10-20-2008 10:31a 20,919 4HELP.DIF
12-26-2001 11:43a 59,792 4HELP.EXE
3-11-2009 7:56a 666,418 4HELPSRC.ZIP
12-26-2001 11:43a 15,755 4MAKE.EXE
3-10-2009 5:53a 1,173 7501READ.1ST
12-26-2001 11:43a 318 APPREL
11-12-2006 4:00p 16,481 APPREL.C
12-26-2001 11:43a 96,591 APPREL.EXE
12-26-2001 11:43a 318 APPREL2
11-12-2006 4:00p 18,771 APPREL2.C
12-26-2001 11:43a 79,941 APPREL2.EXE
11-12-2006 4:00p 9,393 ASMUTIL.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 83,724 BATCH.C
1-09-2003 8:42p 448 BATCOMP
11-12-2006 4:00p 17,281 BATCOMP.C
12-26-2001 11:43a 190 BATCOMP.DEF
12-26-2001 11:43a 2,110 BATCOMP.DOC
11-12-2006 4:00p 2,497 BATCOMP.H
11-12-2006 4:00p 6,019 BATDCOMP.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 15,402 BCD.ASM
12-26-2001 10:43a 293 BUILD.BTM
12-26-2001 11:42a 5 BUILD.DOS
11-12-2006 5:00p 1,489 BUILD.H
7-26-2002 7:27a 5 BUILD.TXT
11-12-2006 4:00p 16,486 CMDS.C
2-27-2009 11:49a 625,326 CODE.DIF
11-12-2006 4:00p 38,910 COMPDRV.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 23,385 COMPRESS.EXE
12-26-2001 11:43a 16,711 CRITERRS.ASD
11-12-2006 4:00p 15,644 CRITERRS.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 4,093 CRITERRS.TXD
12-26-2001 11:43a 3,623 CRITERRS.TXT
11-12-2006 4:00p 2,924 CUTIL.H
5-18-2008 9:40p 5,587 CWIND.DIF
11-12-2006 4:00p 6,235 DBLSPACE.H
11-12-2006 4:00p 7,867 DEBUG.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 7,656 DECOUT.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 77,173 DIRCMDS.C
12-26-2001 10:43a 309 DOLINK.MAK
11-12-2006 4:00p 50,560 DOSCALLS.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 33,970 DOSCMDS.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 9,730 DOSINIT.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 8,287 DOSTTY.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 10,873 DOSUMB.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 85,868 DOSUTIL.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 9,091 DV.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 10,912 DVAPI.INC
11-12-2006 4:00p 19,613 ENV.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 4,401 ERROR.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 7,653 ERRORMSG.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 1,701 ERRPARMS.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 13,818 EVAL.C
3-11-2009 8:54a 4,164 EXE2COM.COM
11-12-2006 4:00p 105,280 EXPAND.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 94,235 FILECMDS.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 5,044 FINDEMS.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 9,190 FINDUREG.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 17,656 FNAME.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 6,963 GLOBALS.H
2-27-2009 1:02p 277,771 HELP.DIF
12-26-2001 11:43a 11,555 HELPCFG.EXE
11-12-2006 4:00p 5,657 HEXOUT.ASM
12-26-2001 10:43a 1,235 IDIRENUM.BTM
11-12-2006 4:00p 6,941 INIDUMP.C
12-26-2001 11:43a 762 INIERRS.ASD
11-12-2006 4:00p 33,543 INIFILE.H
11-12-2006 4:00p 82,076 INIPARSE.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 18,589 INISTRUC.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 11,826 INISTRUC.H
12-26-2001 11:43a 3,611 INITERRS.ASD
11-12-2006 4:00p 5,179 INITERRS.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 2,228 INITERRS.TXD
12-26-2001 11:43a 2,223 INITERRS.TXT
11-12-2006 4:00p 61,016 INOUT.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 4,475 INTCLEAN.ASM
11-12-2006 5:00p 1,467 INTVER.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 1,486 INTVER.H
11-12-2006 4:00p 4,139 IOFMT.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 13,704 IOFMT16.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 15,565 IPARSE.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 3,423 ISTRING.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 18,431 KEYPARSE.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 667 KEYSTACK
11-12-2006 4:00p 14,131 KEYVALUE.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 6,534 KPARSE.C
12-26-2001 11:43a 642 KSTACK
11-12-2006 4:00p 11,808 KSTACK.ASM
8-07-2004 11:12p 565 KSTACK.COM
11-12-2006 4:00p 14,249 LINES.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 39,920 LISTALL.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 24,138 LISTC.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 4,289 LOADDATA.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 3,462 MAIN.C
12-26-2001 10:43a 500 MAKESET.BTM
11-12-2006 4:00p 3,820 MEMSRCH.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 47,571 MESSAGE.H
12-26-2001 11:43a 25,353 MESSAGE.H_D
11-12-2006 4:00p 80,639 MISC.C
12-26-2001 10:43a 101 MKBATCOM.BTM
1-11-2003 4:06p 263 MKDOS.BTM
3-23-2003 7:36p 2,100 MKPROC.BTM
12-26-2001 11:43a 10,264 MODEL.INC
11-12-2006 4:00p 3,452 MODULES.ASM
7-30-2003 7:58a 250 MSC7.BTM
2-19-1993 5:34p 6,593 MSDOS.H
11-12-2006 4:00p 34,188 OPTION.C
8-23-2004 11:51a 182,634 OPTION.EXE
10-03-2002 12:01p 18,235 OPTION.RC
11-12-2006 4:00p 48,174 PARSER.C
12-26-2001 11:43a 3,942 PARSERRS.ASD
11-12-2006 4:00p 5,193 PARSERRS.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 1,935 PARSERRS.TXD
12-26-2001 11:43a 1,849 PARSERRS.TXT
11-12-2006 4:00p 11,477 PARSPATH.ASM
9-26-2008 11:00p 71,705 patch.exe
2-27-2009 3:17p 796,238 patch.rtp
12-26-2001 10:43a 72 PBDOS.BTM
11-12-2006 4:00p 4,127 PRODUCT.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 1,754 PRODUCT.H
11-08-2006 2:27p 116 PRODVARS.TXT
11-12-2006 4:00p 18,720 PROTO.H
3-11-2009 7:57a 1,140 read.1st
11-13-2006 9:40a 1,475 README.TXT
12-26-2001 11:43a 186 RELEASE.DOS
2-11-2003 8:50p 982 RELINFO.BTM
11-12-2006 4:00p 4,632 RELOCATE.ASM
12-26-2001 10:43a 4,821 RENUM.BTM
12-26-2001 10:43a 4,489 RENUM2.BTM
11-12-2006 4:00p 6,736 RESHIGH.ASM
3-11-2009 12:43p 71,622 RTPATCH.TXT
12-26-2001 11:43a 14,873 SASJP.LIB
11-12-2006 4:00p 46,286 SCREENIO.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 8,400 SELECT.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 18,468 SELECTC.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 9,677 SENCRYPT.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 2,848 SERIAL.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 6,908 SERVDATA.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 84,290 SERVER.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 6,966 SERVERRS.ASD
11-12-2006 4:00p 25,022 SERVERRS.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 2,824 SERVERRS.TXD
2-09-2003 2:01p 5,843 SERVERRS.TXT
12-26-2001 10:43a 3,079 SETUP.MAK
11-12-2006 4:00p 7,157 SHELLTAB.ASM
12-26-2001 10:43a 221 SRCFILES.BTM
11-12-2006 4:00p 5,300 SRCHENV.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 4,667 STARTUPM.LIB
11-12-2006 4:00p 7,275 STRENCC.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 8,488 STRMENC.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 1,880 STRMENC.H
11-12-2006 4:00p 28,129 SWAPCHK.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 62,764 SYSCMDS.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 9,327 TOKENS.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 36,044 TRMAC.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 20,574 UMBREG.ASM
12-26-2001 11:43a 1,067 UTIL.INC
11-12-2006 4:00p 1,550 VERSION.H
11-12-2006 4:00p 24,709 WIN95.ASM
11-12-2006 4:00p 21,668 WINDOW.C
11-12-2006 4:00p 2,113 _FILE.C
9,187,339 bytes in 194 files and 7 dirs 10,174,464 bytes
6,737,158,144 bytes free
But upon running:
c:\ovdos\try\4dos>patch -bu
I get:
PATCH Version 11.00 - RTPatch(R) Software Update System
DOS/16-bit Windows/32-bit Windows Edition
(C) Copyright Pocket Soft, Inc., 1991-2008. All Rights

----- Processing Patch File -----

Applying MODIFY File Patch for '4DOS.COM'

error ept0036: Old File not found. However, a file of the same name
found. No update done since file contents do not match.

How can I get (and replace) files needed by the PATCH.RTM?
Any help greatly appreciated in advance.
Luchezar Georgiev
2009-03-12 16:26:57 UTC
Post by floyd
Hello all, I am new to this group (and to building 4dos source).
From the "4DOS REVIVED" site I downloaded the 1st PATCHES files
(into dir c:\ovdos\try\4dos) to get the "original" 7.50.1 source tree.
Then I downloaded the PATCHES PATCH.RTP file into there also.
The site says that there are SOURCE patches and BINARY patches. The .RTP
patches are in the BINARY patch archives. For the source code patches, a
"patch" utility is needed. Everything is explained on the site, only the
usage of this utility isn't explained - you need to have some experience
with it.
Post by floyd
c:\ovdos\try\4dos>patch -bu
Applying MODIFY File Patch for '4DOS.COM'
error ept0036: Old File not found. However, a file of the same name
was found. No update done since file contents do not match.
How can I get (and replace) files needed by the PATCH.RTM?
You're trying to apply BINARY patches (PATCH.RTP) to a different 4DOS file
but as far as I understand, you want to apply the SOURCE code patches. You
obviously don't have experience with the "patch" utility, so to avoid time
loss I recommend you go to the site of Klaus Meinhard http://www.4dos.info
and download the already patched 4DOS 8.00 source code archive. It's quite
big because he converted it from 7zip to ZIP but he claims that ZIP is the
only archive standard in the world so you must download several megabytes.


P.S. I can't answer further questions regarding building 4DOS. Ask Jaelani
- he has already done it. Sorry! Let alone source modifications. You're on
your own. Have Rex Conn or Tom Rawson explained anything to me? No - maybe
because I hadn't asked but I felt awkward to ask. They're both too busy to
bother with old programmes of theirs (there's absolutely NO sarcasm here).
Klaus Meinhard
2009-03-13 16:56:24 UTC
hallo floyd,

take Lucho's advice and download the already patched files with most
anything else you need here


As Lucho stated:

It's quite
big because he converted it from 7zip to ZIP but he claims that ZIP
is the
only archive standard in the world so you must download several

It is about 3 MB versus his 2MB :-) and yes, I assumed that ZIP is much
better known than 7zip.
* Klaus Meinhard *
4DOS Info - Info for DOS
Luchezar Georgiev
2009-03-15 09:10:25 UTC
Post by Klaus Meinhard
It is about 3 MB versus his 2MB :-) and yes, I assumed that ZIP is much
better known than 7zip.
I've just tested that WinUDA (http://dwing.51.net/download/WinUDA.zip) can
re-pack the file to a mere 1.66 MB (!) self-extracting file (it would need
to be extracted in Windows, and at least 256 MB of RAM would be required).
Why not offer this small file along with the larger ZIP file on your site?
You don't care about file size but some people with download speed of just
1 KB/s or less (I've heard of just 500 bytes/s in Ukraine) care very much!
Don't forget that they must PAY their greedy UkrTelecom for downloading it
and the bigger the file, the more they must pay. Why? There pay either for
traffic or for time and bigger file means both more traffic and more time.


P.S. I can send you the 1.66 MB file but it's easy to make it yourself :)
Luchezar Georgiev
2009-03-15 09:18:04 UTC
Post by Luchezar Georgiev
I've just tested that WinUDA (http://dwing.51.net/download/WinUDA.zip)
Klaus Meinhard
2009-03-15 17:02:43 UTC
Post by Luchezar Georgiev
I've just tested that WinUDA
(http://dwing.51.net/download/WinUDA.zip) can re-pack the file to a
mere 1.66 MB (!) self-extracting file (it would need to be extracted
in Windows, and at least 256 MB of RAM would be required).
Shouldn't a plain DOS program use plain DOS tools? :-)
Post by Luchezar Georgiev
Why not
offer this small file along with the larger ZIP file on your site?
You don't care about file size but some people with download speed of
just 1 KB/s or less (I've heard of just 500 bytes/s in Ukraine) care
very much!
If you really think that there are many people in Ukraine with an old
modem that will want to download and work on the source files... Don't
forget: you said DOS was frozen. and 4DOS is at the end of its life.
Post by Luchezar Georgiev
P.S. I can send you the 1.66 MB file but it's easy to make it
yourself :)
I won't touch another file compressor. Under Windows I am very happy
with winrar. I will try to make the zipfile smaller (just now it's just
zipped with winrar, but I'll have a look at the original DOS ZIP asap. I
think there are some switches to reduce the size further. I find it
sensible to use DOS tools on DOS programs.

But if it really means so much to you, please send me the file and I
will put it on my site (there's always your site, still, or do you plan
to take it offline?
* Klaus Meinhard *
4DOS Info - Info for DOS
Steve Fabian
2009-03-15 17:37:52 UTC
Klaus Meinhard wrote:
| Lucho,
|| I've just tested that WinUDA
|| (http://dwing.51.net/download/WinUDA.zip) can re-pack the file to a
|| mere 1.66 MB (!) self-extracting file (it would need to be extracted
|| in Windows, and at least 256 MB of RAM would be required).
| Shouldn't a plain DOS program use plain DOS tools? :-)
|| Why not
|| offer this small file along with the larger ZIP file on your site?
|| You don't care about file size but some people with download speed of
|| just 1 KB/s or less (I've heard of just 500 bytes/s in Ukraine) care
|| very much!
| If you really think that there are many people in Ukraine with an old
| modem that will want to download and work on the source files... Don't
| forget: you said DOS was frozen. and 4DOS is at the end of its life.
|| P.S. I can send you the 1.66 MB file but it's easy to make it
|| yourself :)
| I won't touch another file compressor. Under Windows I am very happy
| with winrar. I will try to make the zipfile smaller (just now it's
| just zipped with winrar, but I'll have a look at the original DOS ZIP
| asap. I think there are some switches to reduce the size further. I
| find it sensible to use DOS tools on DOS programs.
| But if it really means so much to you, please send me the file and I
| will put it on my site (there's always your site, still, or do you
| plan to take it offline?

AFAIK one of the reasons 7zip compresses better is that it uses all files to
be compressed to build a single compression table, which is optimized
overall, instead of separate tables for each archived file (and each of
which must be in the archive). The diskette distributed with one of my books
achieved the same goal by ZIPping twice: first all files without compression
(which is pretty much equivalent to a Unix tar file), then compressing the
archive as a single file. In this manner they were able to put all their
files on a single diskette, which would have needed a 2nd diskette
otherwise. This method may work for these files as well.

BTW, 7zip does have a command line version, which I use regularly.
HTH, Steve
Luchezar Georgiev
2009-03-15 19:08:25 UTC
Post by Steve Fabian
AFAIK one of the reasons 7zip compresses better is that it uses all files to
be compressed to build a single compression table, which is optimized
overall, instead of separate tables for each archived file (and each of
which must be in the archive).
The former (when all files are packed at once) are called "solid archives".
Post by Steve Fabian
The diskette distributed with one of my books
achieved the same goal by ZIPping twice: first all files without compression
(which is pretty much equivalent to a Unix tar file), then compressing the
archive as a single file. In this manner they were able to put all their
files on a single diskette, which would have needed a 2nd diskette
otherwise. This method may work for these files as well.
Exactly. However, the "deflate" method ZIP uses is not so effective and its
"dictionary" is small, so the effect is not so strong. Whereas RAR and 7zip
have much more advanced compression and their "dictionary" is larger, which
leads to much greater size reduction. Even more so for UHARC and WinUDA.

Luchezar Georgiev
2009-03-15 19:06:50 UTC
Post by Steve Fabian
AFAIK one of the reasons 7zip compresses better is that it uses all files to
be compressed to build a single compression table, which is optimized
overall, instead of separate tables for each archived file (and each of
which must be in the archive).
The former (when all files are packed at once) are called "solid archives".
Post by Steve Fabian
The diskette distributed with one of my books
achieved the same goal by ZIPping twice: first all files without compression
(which is pretty much equivalent to a Unix tar file), then compressing the
archive as a single file. In this manner they were able to put all their
files on a single diskette, which would have needed a 2nd diskette
otherwise. This method may work for these files as well.
Exactly. However, the "deflate" method ZIP uses is not so effective and its
"dictionary" is small, so the effect is not so strong. Whereas RAR and 7zip
have much more advanced compression and their "dictionary" is larger, which
leads to much greater size reduction. Even more so for UHARC and WinUDA.

Luchezar Georgiev
2009-03-15 19:35:38 UTC
Post by Klaus Meinhard
Shouldn't a plain DOS program use plain DOS tools? :-)
Not necessarily, and that's why I proposed you to offer it IN ADDITION to
the ZIP file, so that those who don't have Windows can still download it.
By the way, I do this on my site too: my main 4DOS "binaries" file is ZIP
but I offer a much smaller WinUDA self-extracting archive too.
Post by Klaus Meinhard
If you really think that there are many people in Ukraine with an old
modem that will want to download and work on the source files... Don't
forget: you said DOS was frozen. and 4DOS is at the end of its life.
If this makes the WinUDA SFX less demanded, this is so for the ZIP file
too! So that's not an argument against offering a WinUDA SFX file. What
I've written is that 4DOS may "freeze" too, not that it's at its end of
life. "Frozen" doesn't necessarily mean "dead", unless you think of its
users as "vultures". I'd consider it "dead" when nobody uses it anymore
(and for both DOS and 4DOS, this won't be so for a long time to come!).
Post by Klaus Meinhard
I won't touch another file compressor. Under Windows I am very happy
with winrar. I will try to make the zipfile smaller (just now it's just
zipped with winrar, but I'll have a look at the original DOS ZIP asap. I
think there are some switches to reduce the size further. I find it
sensible to use DOS tools on DOS programs.
Remember, 4DOS is intended not only for DOS, but also for Windows 9x/ME,
which are still used much more than DOS, albeit much less than NT/2K/XP.
Post by Klaus Meinhard
But if it really means so much to you, please send me the file and I
will put it on my site
Done. Please confirm that you've received it since some servers "bounce
back" the messages which have .EXE files as attachments.
Post by Klaus Meinhard
(there's always your site, still, or do you plan
to take it offline?
1. I never said that I plan to take it off-line.

2. Even if I wanted I couldn't do so as the servers aren't mine.

3. This again isn't argument PRO the ZIP file and AGAINST the WinUDA SFX.

Please, when adding the WinUDA SFX file on your site, state that it is much
smaller than the ZIP file, or better yet, add their size to the description
text, so the poor users can estimate whether it's worth to pay their ISP or
Telecom for their download (whether they can afford this "luxury"). Thanks.

Klaus Meinhard
2009-03-16 08:50:06 UTC

I have now uploaded your WinUDA EXE to my site, though I have grave
reservations about offering (or downloading myself) unknown (for the
downloader) executables. But your concerns for the Unknown Ukrainian
with the 500-byte modem (UU500 from here) has swayed me :-)
Post by Luchezar Georgiev
Post by Klaus Meinhard
Shouldn't a plain DOS program use plain DOS tools? :-)
Not necessarily, and that's why I proposed you to offer it IN
ADDITION to the ZIP file, so that those who don't have Windows can
still download it. By the way, I do this on my site too: my main 4DOS
"binaries" file is ZIP but I offer a much smaller WinUDA
self-extracting archive too.
Fine, but do I have to mirror everything you do on your site? I have now
rezipped the source files with plain DOS pkzip, and it's 2.9 MB versus
WinUDA's 1,7 MB. That may look impressive, but our whole conversation
about this, the work to zip and upload it etc. took so much longer than
the 1 or 2 seconds saved with a modern DSL connection. Your UU500 is
really the only one really profiting from this. Let's hope he'll be a
lively 4DOS developer.
Post by Luchezar Georgiev
What I've written is that 4DOS may "freeze" too, not that it's
at its end of life. "Frozen" doesn't necessarily mean "dead", unless
you think of its users as "vultures". I'd consider it "dead" when
nobody uses it anymore (and for both DOS and 4DOS, this won't be so
for a long time to come!).
you seem to have a problem accepting that most developers regard DOS,
W9x and 4DOS obsolete, so 4DOS can hardly be moved from version 8.00..
Post by Klaus Meinhard
(there's always your site, still, or do you plan
to take it offline?
1. I never said that I plan to take it off-line.
No. That's why I asked. One could get the impression you want to turn
your back on 4DOS, and that could mean you take your site offline.
Post by Luchezar Georgiev
Please, when adding the WinUDA SFX file on your site, state that it
is much smaller than the ZIP file, or better yet, add their size to
the description text, so the poor users can estimate whether it's
worth to pay their ISP or Telecom for their download (whether they
can afford this "luxury"). Thanks.
I hope I made you and all UU500s happy. I also hope that East European
Mafia Telekoms won't send their killers after me for robbing them of
their profits. :-)
* Klaus Meinhard *
4DOS Info - Info for DOS
Luchezar Georgiev
2009-03-16 14:25:19 UTC
Post by Klaus Meinhard
I have now uploaded your WinUDA EXE to my site, though I have grave
reservations about offering (or downloading myself) unknown (for the
downloader) executables. But your concerns for the Unknown Ukrainian
with the 500-byte modem (UU500 from here) has swayed me :-)
Thank you very much! The ZIP file of the 4DOS binaries contains equally
unknown executables, so I don't see problems. Minimal trust must exist.
(Even without it, anyone can check them with a good virus scanner which
doesn't show false positive alarms and see that they are NOT dangerous.
Post by Klaus Meinhard
By the way, I do this on my site too: my main 4DOS"binaries" file is
ZIP but I offer a much smaller WinUDA self-extracting archive too.
Fine, but do I have to mirror everything you do on your site?
No, albeit you've already mirrored everything except this 4DOS800.EXE :)
Post by Klaus Meinhard
rezipped the source files with plain DOS pkzip, and it's 2.9 MB versus
WinUDA's 1,7 MB. That may look impressive, but our whole conversation
about this, the work to zip and upload it etc. took so much longer than
the 1 or 2 seconds saved with a modern DSL connection. Your UU500 is
really the only one really profiting from this. Let's hope he'll be a
lively 4DOS developer.
Remember that Jaelani had very low connection speed at one time. Don't look
at the world only from your bell tower: their perspective may be different.
Post by Klaus Meinhard
you seem to have a problem accepting that most developers regard DOS,
W9x and 4DOS obsolete, so 4DOS can hardly be moved from version 8.00..
Yes, and I stand on my words, but "can hardly be moved from version 8.00"
doesn't mean "is near the end of its life", at least as I understand it -
it's one thing to stop the development and another thing to stop the use.
Post by Klaus Meinhard
[...] One could get the impression you want to turn
your back on 4DOS, and that could mean you take your site offline.
"Turning my back on 4DOS" as a developer is one thing. Offering its latest
version for download by the users (and potential developers) is another...
Post by Klaus Meinhard
I hope I made you and all UU500s happy. I also hope that East European
Mafia Telekoms won't send their killers after me for robbing them of
their profits. :-)
:) I've heard from my ISP that the Telecom Mafia is INTERNATIONAL, so be
sure, they'll catch you everywhere but on another planet or satellite :)

Thank you once again!

