DOS Program Runs Out of Memory
(too old to reply)
2010-05-08 13:54:39 UTC
I'm running Lotus 1-2-3 in DOS and occasionally run out of memory.

How do I avoid running out of memory?

Thank you to all.
Klaus Meinhard
2010-05-08 22:22:48 UTC
Post by dosbuff
I'm running Lotus 1-2-3 in DOS and occasionally run out of memory.
How do I avoid running out of memory?
This is a group concerned with 4DOS, a powerful replacement for the
usual command interpreter command.com by JP Software. It's not a hip way
to say "for DOS".
Your question might be better placed and answered in alt.msdos,
comp.os.msdos.misc, or even comp.os.msdos.programmer.

That said, I doubt that the information you provide is sufficient to
give you a useful answer. At this stage it might be "Make more memory

Do you run plain old DOS (version?) or some DOS-like console under an
NT-type operating system like XP? To help you it would further be
helpful to know how much free memory your DOS shell provides. That would
be a hint of how much optimization is possible. Further it would be
useful to know the exact error message by Lotus.
Best Regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
E. S. Fabian
2010-05-09 00:31:58 UTC
| I'm running Lotus 1-2-3 in DOS and occasionally run out of memory.
| How do I avoid running out of memory?

That depends on your hardware. Lotus was one of the initiatiors of the LIM
specifications for "extended memory management" (EMM). IIRC 123 can utilize
expanded memory, which in real DOS requires the loading of a driver in
CONFIG.SYS. But your question is way OT for THIS NG. Klaus Meinhard's
response includes all else I could say.
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