JPSoft forums
(too old to reply)
Caesar Romano
2012-02-06 20:11:36 UTC
Anyone know if the JPSoft support forums are still available via
email? I haven't seen anything from them in quite a while. I'm
wondering if something has changed while I wasn't paying attention.
Work is the curse of the drinking class.
E. S. Fabian
2012-02-06 22:34:50 UTC
Caesar Romano:

| Anyone know if the JPSoft support forums are still available via
| email? I haven't seen anything from them in quite a while. I'm
| wondering if something has changed while I wasn't paying attention.

You must go to the jpsoft.com website -> forums to sign up. It is a new
forum since mid-December, you need to visit it using a browser. You can
receive new posts by email, but they only indicate thread titles, not which
forum. You cannot post by email, only via browser. Your own post may come
back as email, but not dependably. Other posters new posts are dependably
arriving in my mailbox. IMHO it is much less convenient than a simple NG
like this one, but the majority of paying customers prefer browser access,
at least in the opinion of the one who pays for the service, Rex Conn.
HTH, Steve
Caesar Romano
2012-02-07 10:33:48 UTC
Post by E. S. Fabian
| Anyone know if the JPSoft support forums are still available via
| email? I haven't seen anything from them in quite a while. I'm
| wondering if something has changed while I wasn't paying attention.
You must go to the jpsoft.com website -> forums to sign up. It is a new
forum since mid-December, you need to visit it using a browser. You can
receive new posts by email, but they only indicate thread titles, not which
forum. You cannot post by email, only via browser. Your own post may come
back as email, but not dependably. Other posters new posts are dependably
arriving in my mailbox. IMHO it is much less convenient than a simple NG
like this one, but the majority of paying customers prefer browser access,
at least in the opinion of the one who pays for the service, Rex Conn.
Thanks for the info. That pretty much explains what I am seeing, or
rather, not seeing.

I visited the forum yesterday and my old login id and password worked
fine. However, I couldn't find anyplace to select an option to
participate via email. All I could find was an option to:

[] Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
[] and receive email notifications of replies

Well, I guess I'm out of the loop then unless I have a question to
post, which isn't likely; and if I have a question, I'll post it here
first. The new forum seems like a big step backward to me.

I've always thought that if JPSoft wanted more control over posting
that a moderated Yahoo Group would have worked very well.

Thanks again for the info Steve.
Work is the curse of the drinking class.
E. S. Fabian
2012-02-07 11:38:07 UTC
Caesar Romano:
| I visited the forum yesterday and my old login id and password worked
| fine. However, I couldn't find anyplace to select an option to
| participate via email. All I could find was an option to:
| [] Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
| [] and receive email notifications of replies

Yes, those are the options you must select to get postings as emails. IIRC
you must also choose which of the NGs (oops, forums) you want to watch, or
maybe the above choices are by forum. In any case, when you open the Forum
in your browser, there is a top-level choice "What's New?". If you select
it, a list of threads from all your watched forums (I always want to write
"fora") that have received new posts, showing the originating post and
latest reply. If you click on the little button on the left of thread title,
it takes you directly to the first unread post in the thread. The "Mark
Forums Read" button can empty the display; the information of what you've
read is stored on the server, so using a different browser or different
computer will not bring old ones back. It is not terribly overwhelming, and
I often just clear the list unconditionally, having read all by email.

| Well, I guess I'm out of the loop then unless I have a question to
| post, which isn't likely; and if I have a question, I'll post it here
| first. The new forum seems like a big step backward to me.

For those of us who are keyboard oriented for all work that is not graphics
and prefer to read rather than view pretty banners etc. it is. However,
looking at the identity of the complainers about this change, we were indeed
a small minority. However, there were still more complainers than approvers.
The majority? Silent unless they themselves have a problem!

| I've always thought that if JPSoft wanted more control over posting
| that a moderated Yahoo Group would have worked very well.

Or even a moderated Usenet newsgroup. But having a moderator is yet another
job a small company like JPsoft cannot really afford to pay for.
| Work is the curse of the drinking class.
And cursing is the work of the drinking class...
