Firev wrote:
| On Oct 5, 8:40 am, *** wrote:
|| On Oct 3, 2:15 pm, Firev <***> wrote:
||| I have trouble with pqmagic and 4dos.
||| The pqmagic 8.0 cannt work in 4dos 7.5/8.0.
||| Pqmagic will flash the screen in red,crash and quit. The screen then
||| keeps in red (black on red).
||| The command "cls" cannt get back the normal state of the screen
||| (white on black), but "mode co80" can do it.
||| Thanks for your help.
|| Are you saying that it *does* work when run from COMMAND.COM, but not
|| when started from 4DOS?
| 4DOS 7.5 or 4DOS 8.0
| msdos 7.1
| himem.sys
| Qhimem v3.8
| UMBPCI v3,75
| as you said, Pqmagic crashes from 4DOS, but not from COMMAND.COM.
From your description PQMAGIC does not actually crash, if "mode co80" can
restore the screen, and 4DOS continues, without system restart. PQMAGIC just
chooses display options that make all information illegible, possibly by
using a bad combination of FG and BG colors.
Did you try starting COMMAND.COM from 4DOS, and starting PQMAGIC from
COMMAND? In the WinXP world, using TCC.EXE (the current superincarnation of
4DOS.COM), to run some some of my 16-bit programs I need to start an older
version of the command processor to run them, else line wrap may get
confused, or my TCC window size is reduced to 80 x 50 (or even 80x25) on
termination of the 16-b program.