2009-08-19 01:23:04 UTC
I'm just starting to learn about NTFS Streams.
4NT8 is making it very easy.
Directory of C:\utils\jlc.txt
8/18/2009 9:35 11 jlc.txt
180 ♣SummaryInformation:$DATA
34 hidden:$DATA
56,832 sol2.exe:$DATA
Here I've created an 11 byte test file called jlc.txt
To it I have attached another text file called hidden.
I have also added Windows Solitaire. Using DIR /: in 4NT I am able
to see the streams of this file.
Now, when I am in Windows Explorer, right click on the file, and
choose Properties, I can click on the Summary tab to add Title,
Subject, Author, etc.
I see that this is called SummaryInformation. Not sure what that
GUID-type stuff is at the bottom, but I see that it has a size of
Question: Is there any way, using 4NT8, that I can view the Summary
Information? I've tried;
C>type jlc.txt:♣SummaryInformation
4NT: Stream not found "C:\utils\jlc.txt:♣SummaryInformation"
C>type jlc.txt:♣SummaryInformation.
4NT: Stream not found "C:\utils\jlc.txt:♣SummaryInformation."
(the last one includes a period at the end of the line), but alas, I
cannot access the Summary Information.
If it is not possible to access this info from 4NT8, I could implement
this ability via a plugin that I would write, but I wanted to seek the
knowledge of others before re-inventing the wheel.
Thanks from Joe.
I'm just starting to learn about NTFS Streams.
4NT8 is making it very easy.
Directory of C:\utils\jlc.txt
8/18/2009 9:35 11 jlc.txt
180 ♣SummaryInformation:$DATA
34 hidden:$DATA
56,832 sol2.exe:$DATA
Here I've created an 11 byte test file called jlc.txt
To it I have attached another text file called hidden.
I have also added Windows Solitaire. Using DIR /: in 4NT I am able
to see the streams of this file.
Now, when I am in Windows Explorer, right click on the file, and
choose Properties, I can click on the Summary tab to add Title,
Subject, Author, etc.
I see that this is called SummaryInformation. Not sure what that
GUID-type stuff is at the bottom, but I see that it has a size of
Question: Is there any way, using 4NT8, that I can view the Summary
Information? I've tried;
C>type jlc.txt:♣SummaryInformation
4NT: Stream not found "C:\utils\jlc.txt:♣SummaryInformation"
C>type jlc.txt:♣SummaryInformation.
4NT: Stream not found "C:\utils\jlc.txt:♣SummaryInformation."
(the last one includes a period at the end of the line), but alas, I
cannot access the Summary Information.
If it is not possible to access this info from 4NT8, I could implement
this ability via a plugin that I would write, but I wanted to seek the
knowledge of others before re-inventing the wheel.
Thanks from Joe.