looking for "xmove"
(too old to reply)
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
2010-03-18 05:39:27 UTC
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15"
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
<blockquote cite="mid:hnobsp$2g1$***@news.eternal-september.org"
<p wrap="">I would like to move files and subdirectories to a
directory above <em>without</em> overwriting existing files.<br>
Is that possible and easy to do with a batch?<br>
<p>It's another one-liner with some command interpreters:<br>
<pre>move /r /s * ..\</pre>
<p>In fact, it's a choice of one-liners, depending from whether one
wants the source directory hierarchy preserved in the target:<br>
<pre>global ren * d:\target\*</pre>
<p>See <a href="http://jpsoft.com./help/move.htm"><code>MOVE</code></a>,
<a href="http://jpsoft.com./help/ren.htm"><code>RENAME</code></a>, and <a
href="http://jpsoft.com./help/global.htm"><code>GLOBAL</code></a> for
Richard Bonner
2010-03-30 11:46:32 UTC
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (J.deBoynePollard-***@NTLWorld.COM) wrote:
> !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
> html
> head
> meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15"
> http-equiv="Content-Type"
> /head
> body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"

*** Please don't post html to text newsgroups!

> p wrap=""I would like to move files and subdirectories to a
> directory above emwithout/em overwriting existing files.br
> Is that possible and easy to do with a batch?br

*** Try MOVE with the /R and /S switches.

You can also set the "CopyPrompt" directive in 4DOS.INI to prompt
whether a file is to be overwritten or not.

You can use XXCOPY. It has a larger variety of switches that can tailor
the command to be very precise in what it does.

One or more links to websites
for the referred program(s)
can be found at:


Richard Bonner
Tim Meddick
2010-03-30 18:07:47 UTC
Oh when will the world be rid of [would-be] control freaks?!

Some very respectable people including some MVPs have posted to these groups in

There's nothing wrong in doing it!


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

"Richard Bonner" <***@chebucto.ns.ca> wrote in message
> *** Please don't post html to text newsgroups!
> < clipped >
Todd Vargo
2010-03-30 22:54:20 UTC
Tim Meddick wrote:
> Oh when will the world be rid of [would-be] control freaks?!
> Some very respectable people including some MVPs have posted to these
> groups in HTML...
> There's nothing wrong in doing it!

We have already heard your personal opinion several times. Repeating it
multiple times again, and with name calling added, does not make your
opinion more important than others.

Please have the courtesy to confine html posts to groups that welcome html.
This thread is obviously crossposted to groups where html is not welcome. As
you have seen by the multiple html protests/complaints, html is not welcome
in all technical groups. Just because someone holds an MVP title and
possibly respected for their hacking abilities, does not mean they are
respected for their posting habits. Some MVPs are even downright rude to
others because they do not spend enough time in the big room. Using someone
else to support your own opinion only shows your own ignorance on the

I personally prefer reading code in in a fixed pitch font. I typically skip
over posts with code posted in html, and I usually do not help posters
requesting assistance if they post in html. But, just as you are free to top
post in defiance of suggested nettiquette, I am free to request they not
post in html, however, you are in fact the "control freak" if you interfere
with my request of that person.

Todd Vargo
(Post questions to group only. Remove "z" to email personal messages)

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
2010-04-01 12:45:38 UTC
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
<blockquote cite="mid:hotruf$2h8l$***@adenine.netfront.net" type="cite">
<p>html is not welcome in all technical groups. </p>
<p>False.&nbsp; You don't understand Usenet correctly.&nbsp; The distinction in
Usenet is and always has been between text and <em>binaries</em>, with
hyper<em>text</em> falling on the <em>text</em> side of that
division.&nbsp; It is binaries, not text, that are unwelcome in text
newsgroups.&nbsp; Binaries are MIME body part types like <code>audio/*</code>,
<code>video/*</code>, and <code>image/*</code>.&nbsp; The <code>text/*</code>
body part types are, as the designation states, text.</p>
<blockquote cite="mid:hotruf$2h8l$***@adenine.netfront.net" type="cite">
<p>I personally prefer reading code in in a fixed pitch font. </p>
<p>... which is of course what your reader gives you when someone wraps
xyr code in a <code>&lt;code&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;pre&gt;</code>
element, even when the message is served up by a WWW interface such as
Google Groups.&nbsp; Whereas the latter, and newsreaders if so configured,
serve up messages <em>without</em> such markup, to explicitly specify
code or pre-fomatted elements, in variable-width fonts.&nbsp; So you're
foolishly cutting your own nose off despite your own face, here.</p>
2010-04-05 13:35:57 UTC

MIME/HTML messages exist, so Thunder·Bird·3 is the better user·agent;
you'd be quite LIMITED if you user·agent (or server) didn't handle it.

I'm talking “ Content-Type: text/HTML ”, not “ multipart/alternative ”.
<A href="http://Glorb.COM/usenet.php/">Glorb's NNTP server</A>, unfiltered version, is only 10 dollars per YEAR;
it allows “Simple·HTML” posting.

By “Simple·HTML” I mean a < PRE> tag with a few < A> tags,
NOTHING MORE ( like this post, simple tags a blogger might add )
― it's simple, mono·spaced and “attachment·free”;
Richard Bonner
2010-04-05 16:31:12 UTC
JeffRelf.F-M.FM  @. wrote:
> MIME/HTML messages exist, so Thunder·Bird·3 is the better user·agent;
> you'd be quite LIMITED if you user·agent (or server) didn't handle it.

> I'm talking “ Content-Type: text/HTML â#$$€, not “--
multipart/alternative ”.
> A href="http://Glorb.COM/usenet.php/"Glorb's NNTP server/A, unfiltered version, is only 10 dollars per YEAR;
> it allows “%%))Simple·HTML” posting.

> By “%%))Simple·HTML” I mean a PRE tag with a few A tags,
> NOTHING MORE ( like this post, simple tags a blogger might add )
> ― it's simple, mono·spaced and “attachment·free”;

*** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please don't post
html to *text* newgroups.

While you are at it, please set your margin to 75 and use an ISO 8859

Richard Bonner
2010-04-05 18:09:40 UTC

I see your suffering, Richard•Bonner.
Is there some reason you can't use an HTML/UTF·8/MIME·aware user·agent ?

Jonathan•de•Boyne•Pollard has eloquently stated the issue; see:

While I write mono·spaced, UserAgents ( Google Groups, Outlook, etc. )
usually default to proportional text... “ What is a girl to do ? ”.

“ Content-Type: text/HTML ” and the <PRE> tag is a SIMPLE solution.
Steve Fabian
2010-04-05 18:38:11 UTC
JeffRelf.F-M.FM @. wrote:
| While I write mono·spaced, UserAgents ( Google Groups, Outlook, etc.
| ) usually default to proportional text... " What is a girl to do ? ".

Simple: do not use the default. I had set Outlook Express to use "courier
new" font for both proportional spaced and monospaced text. Works very

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
2010-04-05 19:00:35 UTC

I'm glad that you ( Steve•Fabian ) know how to display monospaced but
what about the MANY others ( e.g. Googlers ) who aren't so crafty ?

Without the < PRE> tag, most of them would see the following
in a proportional font:
[ from <A hRef="http://jeffrelf.f-m.fm/X.CPP">X.CPP, Micro·Soft Visual C++ 9.0</A> ]

#define szStr wcslen
// Given the Beginning of a string (“B”), run a pointer (“P”)
// backwards ( from E to B ) while “Should_Loop” is true.
// “!Ch” is true if P has run past B ( going backwards ).
#define WhileBac( Should_Loop ) \
Ch = Ch2 = 0; if ( !E ) E = B + szStr( B ); P = E ; \
while ( P >= B && \
( Ch2 = *P, ( Ch = --P < B ? 0 : *P ) && ( Should_Loop ) ) )

typedef wchar_t *LnP ; int Ch, Ch2 ;

// g·mID( B, P, E ) gets the last mID in the “References:” line.
// B points to the Beginning of data in the line.
// E points to the latter part of this line, at the end of an mID.
// P starts at E and gets moved one or two mID to the left,
// to the start of an mID.
int sz·mID ;
int g·mID( LnP B, LnP &P, LnP &E ) { int ❰❱, cnt·At ;

nx·mID: cnt·At = sz·mID = 0 ;
WhileBac( Ch <= 32 || Ch == ',' );
if ( !Ch )
// No more MIDs on the line.
return 0 ;

E = P ;

if ( !( ❰❱ = Ch == '>' ) )
// Google Groups doesn't always <> bracket < ***@ID>'s.
// 31749c8f-28b9-4ff6-91e7-***@n39g2000prj.googlegroups.com
E++ ;
WhileBac( Ch > 32 && Ch != ',' && Ch != '<' )
if ( Ch == '@' )
// Count the ‘@’ characters in the mID.
cnt·At ++ ;

if ( ❰❱ && Ch != '<' ) {
// Remove newlines and spaces in the bracketted < ***@ID>.
// Believe it or not, this actually happens ( Outlook ).
// ho62hl$ors$***@hvac.motzarella.org
LnP pBlack = P + 1, E· = E ; E = P ;
WhileBac( Ch <= 32 ); if ( !Ch ) return 0 ;

E = E·, wmemmove( ++P, pBlack, E - pBlack ), E -= pBlack - P ;
// Get the rest of the bracketted < ***@ID>.
goto Join ; }

if ( cnt·At != 1 || ( sz·mID = E - ++ P ) < 3 ) {
// Skip·Over any mID that's under 3 characters long and/or
// doesn't have one·and·only·one ‘@’ character.
E = -- P ; goto nx·mID ; }

return sz·mID ; }
Steve Fabian
2010-04-05 19:40:39 UTC
JeffRelf.F-M.FM @. wrote:
| I'm glad that you ( Steve.Fabian ) know how to display monospaced but
| what about the MANY others ( e.g. Googlers ) who aren't so crafty ?
| Without the < PRE> tag, most of them would see the following
| in a proportional font:
| [ from X.CPP, Micro·Soft Visual C++ 9.0 ]

Those not crafty enough to deal with newsreader fonts would never be looking
at C++ source code! Furthermore, I read your post only in
comp.os.msdos.4dos, a NG dedicated to command line interpreters from JP
Software, Inc. - any other NG where you might read my post is simply there
due to cross-posting. In _THIS_ NG HTML is not desirable, even if my
newsreader happens to be able to deal with it.

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Richard Bonner
2010-04-07 14:30:48 UTC
JeffRelf.F-M.FM  @. wrote:
> I see your suffering, Richard•Bonner.
> Is there some reason you can't use an HTML/UTF·8/MIME·aware user·agent ?

*** None, but I am posting to *text* newsgroups.

I also prefer to use a shell server to isolate me from the
Internet/Usenet which is in ISO-8859, plain text by default.

Richard Bonner
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
2010-04-08 18:53:15 UTC
FUP set.

In <hpi4uo$8m0$***@Kil-nws-1.UCIS.Dal.Ca>, on 04/07/2010
at 02:30 PM, ***@chebucto.ns.ca (Richard Bonner) said:

> I also prefer to use a shell server to isolate me from the

The Internet and Usenet are distinct and essentailly unrelated.

>which is in ISO-8859, plain text by default.

Neither is ISO 8859. Many TCP/IP protocols are ASCII, although some are
binary. Both Netnews and SMTP allow MIME encoding of non-ASCII data, but
there is no default character set for such non-ASCII data; an explicit
charset=foo is required.

Also, ISO-8859 is not a character set; it is a family of around a dozen
character sets. I suspect that you are thinking of Latin-1, which I
believe is currently the default for HTML.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT <http://patriot.net/~shmuel>

Unsolicited bulk E-mail subject to legal action. I reserve the right to
publicly post or ridicule any abusive E-mail. Reply to domain Patriot dot
net user shmuel+news to contact me. Do not reply to
Ralf Brinkmann
2010-04-05 19:38:58 UTC
Hi Richard!

*Richard Bonner*:

> *** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please don't post
> html to *text* newgroups.

Thank you!


X'Post to: <news:news.software.readers>,<news:alt.msdos.batch>,<news:alt.msdos.batch.nt>,<news:microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin>,<news:comp.os.msdos.4dos>
Windows XP Home SP3
Opera 10.52-3344
Tim Meddick
2010-04-05 20:00:45 UTC
These so-called "respected experts" that keep trying to "tell" you stuff are just
dammed rude if you ask me...


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

"Ralf Brinkmann" <***@t-online.de> wrote in message
> Hi Richard!
> *Richard Bonner*:
>> *** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please don't post
>> html to *text* newgroups.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,Ralf
> X'Post to:
> <news:news.software.readers>,<news:alt.msdos.batch>,<news:alt.msdos.batch.nt>,<news:microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin>,<news:comp.os.msdos.4dos>
> --
> Windows XP Home SP3
> Opera 10.52-3344
Zaphod Beeblebrox
2010-04-05 21:03:43 UTC
"Tim Meddick" <***@gawab.com> wrote in message
> "Ralf Brinkmann" <***@t-online.de> wrote
> in message
> news:***@ralf.brinkmann.wiesbaden.dialin.t-online.de...
>> Hi Richard!
>> *Richard Bonner*:
>>> *** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please
>>> don't post
>>> html to *text* newgroups.
>> Thank you!
>> Cheers,Ralf
>> X'Post to:
>> <news:news.software.readers>,<news:alt.msdos.batch>,<news:alt.msdos.batch.nt>,<news:microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin>,<news:comp.os.msdos.4dos>

> These so-called "respected experts" that keep trying to "tell" you
> stuff are just dammed rude if you ask me...

No, it is *you* sir who is being rude by continuing to ignore the
conventions and desires of the community in which you are
participating, and by encouraging others to do the same.


Arthur Dent, speaking to Trillian about Zaphod:
"So, two heads is what does it for a girl?"
"...Anything else he's got two of?"
Tim Meddick
2010-04-06 18:33:05 UTC
So you think it "polite" to say that someone's work looks like "crap", do you?


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

"Zaphod Beeblebrox" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Tim Meddick" <***@gawab.com> wrote in message
> news:***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> "Ralf Brinkmann" <***@t-online.de> wrote in message
>> news:***@ralf.brinkmann.wiesbaden.dialin.t-online.de...
>>> Hi Richard!
>>> *Richard Bonner*:
>>>> *** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please don't post
>>>> html to *text* newgroups.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Cheers,Ralf
>>> X'Post to:
>>> <news:news.software.readers>,<news:alt.msdos.batch>,<news:alt.msdos.batch.nt>,<news:microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin>,<news:comp.os.msdos.4dos>
>> These so-called "respected experts" that keep trying to "tell" you stuff are just
>> dammed rude if you ask me...
> No, it is *you* sir who is being rude by continuing to ignore the conventions and
> desires of the community in which you are participating, and by encouraging others
> to do the same.
> --
> Zaphod
> Arthur Dent, speaking to Trillian about Zaphod:
> "So, two heads is what does it for a girl?"
> "...Anything else he's got two of?"
Zaphod Beeblebrox
2010-04-07 12:27:27 UTC
"Tim Meddick" <***@gawab.com> wrote in message
> "Zaphod Beeblebrox" <***@gmail.com> wrote in
> message news:hpdj7i$l2f$***@news.eternal-september.org...
>> "Tim Meddick" <***@gawab.com> wrote in message
>> news:***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> "Ralf Brinkmann" <***@t-online.de> wrote
>>> in message
>>> news:***@ralf.brinkmann.wiesbaden.dialin.t-online.de...
>>>> Hi Richard!
>>>> *Richard Bonner*:
>>>>> *** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please
>>>>> don't post
>>>>> html to *text* newgroups.
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Cheers,Ralf
>>>> X'Post to:
>>>> <news:news.software.readers>,<news:alt.msdos.batch>,<news:alt.msdos.batch.nt>,<news:microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin>,<news:comp.os.msdos.4dos>
>>> These so-called "respected experts" that keep trying to "tell" you
>>> stuff are just dammed rude if you ask me...
>> No, it is *you* sir who is being rude by continuing to ignore the
>> conventions and desires of the community in which you are
>> participating, and by encouraging others to do the same.
> So you think it "polite" to say that someone's work looks like
> "crap", do you?

If the shoe fits... From a long-time reader and occasional
participant, here's what I've seen. The polite bit was covered some
time ago when you were asked to respect the conventions of the group
in which you were participating. You responded with defiance and
began actively soliciting others to join you in your defiance. The
need for politeness has long past - your own rudeness has brought this
on, nothing more, nothing less. Just as if you had behaved badly in
any other public setting with rules and conventions for behavior, you
received an initial polite reminder, followed by increasingly pointed
guidance and then outright rebukes, which you rightfully deserve.

Let me put it as succinctly and constructively as I can:

Learn to quote properly. Learn to post properly. Learn to separate
your sig from the rest of your post properly. Stop encouraging others
to flout the conventions of the group. Then, come back and participate
like an adult. In the mean time, if you have questions about how to
do the preceding, or in general how to participate in these groups,
ask politely and respectfully, and I and likely others will help.


"The best Bang since the Big One" - Eccentrica Gallumbits
Caesar Romano
2010-04-07 13:07:47 UTC
On Wed, 7 Apr 2010 08:27:27 -0400, "Zaphod Beeblebrox"
<***@gmail.com> wrote Re Re:  MIME/HTML
messages exist, so Thunder·Bird·3 is the better user·agent.:

>Learn to quote properly. Learn to post properly. Learn to separate
>your sig from the rest of your post properly. Stop encouraging others
>to flout the conventions of the group. Then, come back and participate
>like an adult. In the mean time, if you have questions about how to
>do the preceding, or in general how to participate in these groups,
>ask politely and respectfully, and I and likely others will help.

+1 on that.
Work is the curse of the drinking class.
Richard Bonner
2010-04-07 14:28:12 UTC
Zaphod Beeblebrox (***@gmail.com) wrote:

> "Tim Meddick" <***@gawab.com> wrote:
> >>> These so-called "respected experts" that keep trying to "tell" you
> >>> stuff are just dammed rude if you ask me...
> >>>
> >>
> >> No, it is *you* sir who is being rude by continuing to ignore the
> >> conventions and desires of the community in which you are
> >> participating, and by encouraging others to do the same.
> >>
> >
> > So you think it "polite" to say that someone's work looks like
> > "crap", do you?

> If the shoe fits... From a long-time reader and occasional
> participant, here's what I've seen. The polite bit was covered some
> time ago when you were asked to respect the conventions of the group
> in which you were participating. You responded with defiance and
> began actively soliciting others to join you in your defiance.

*** Sadly, Zaphod, this is the attitude of the "me" generation. )-:

> Let me put it as succinctly and constructively as I can:

> Learn to quote properly. Learn to post properly. Learn to separate
> your sig from the rest of your post properly. Stop encouraging others
> to flout the conventions of the group. Then, come back and participate
> like an adult. In the mean time, if you have questions about how to
> do the preceding, or in general how to participate in these groups,
> ask politely and respectfully, and I and likely others will help.
> --
> Zaphod

*** There are many, many websites devoted to Usnet posting techniques.
Basically, it is best to trim quoted text to just that which pertains to
the followup comments, and to intersperse those comments in a way that the
narrative flows as would a conversation with quoted text above and
comments underneath.

Posts should be in plain text with no html or MIME, and no binaries

Richard Bonner
2010-04-08 14:52:23 UTC
On 4/7/2010 9:28 AM, Richard Bonner wrote:
> Posts should be in plain text with no html or MIME, and no binaries
> attached.

And <grin> just be grateful that we can use lowercase.
My computing experiences started out in an uppercase only IT world.
If Usenet had begun then,


- Larry (having a little fun here, but still wincing at the multiposting)
Richard Bonner
2010-04-08 16:15:43 UTC
Larry__Weiss (***@airmail.net) wrote:

> On 4/7/2010 9:28 AM, Richard Bonner wrote:
> > Posts should be in plain text with no html or MIME, and no binaries
> > attached.

> And <grin> just be grateful that we can use lowercase.
> My computing experiences started out in an uppercase only IT world.
> If Usenet had begun then,


*** Yow! That would be annoying.

> - Larry (having a little fun here, but still wincing at the multiposting)

*** Fun is acceptable. (-:

Richard Bonner
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
2010-04-08 21:02:23 UTC
FUP set

In <hpkvff$a2l$***@Kil-nws-1.UCIS.Dal.Ca>, on 04/08/2010
at 04:15 PM, ***@chebucto.ns.ca (Richard Bonner) said:

>*** Yow! That would be annoying.

Would we have to wear a 5-level FIGS leaf?

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT <http://patriot.net/~shmuel>

Unsolicited bulk E-mail subject to legal action. I reserve the
right to publicly post or ridicule any abusive E-mail. Reply to
domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+news to contact me. Do not
reply to ***@library.lspace.org
Klaus Meinhard
2010-04-10 08:26:31 UTC
Could you please stop feeding the trolls?

And stop crossposting all over the DOS and Console oriented groups?

That simple fact that anybody disputes that this are text-only oriented
groups is a sure sign of trolling, as is crossposting to elicit the
greatest possible uproar . Simply ignore any html messages, set your
filters or plonk the sender.

Herzliche Grüße,

Klaus Meinhard
2010-04-17 22:10:12 UTC
On 4/8/2010 8:52 AM, Larry__Weiss wrote:
> On 4/7/2010 9:28 AM, Richard Bonner wrote:
>> Posts should be in plain text with no html or MIME, and no binaries
>> attached.
> And <grin> just be grateful that we can use lowercase.
> My computing experiences started out in an uppercase only IT world.
> If Usenet had begun then,

And over the wire at 110 baud! Those were the days ;-)

But I seem to remember usenet being there too. well APARNET was. (I may have
misspelled that, it's been a loooonnnnngggg time!)

> - Larry (having a little fun here, but still wincing at the multiposting)

- Lawrence (adding to the fun ... wincing too <sigh>)
A goal is a dream with a deadline. -- Ilya Grigorik (igvita.com)

* Taglines by TagZilla * http://tagzilla.mozdev.org

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
2010-04-18 18:22:20 UTC
FUP set.

In <hqdbjs$18ha$***@adenine.netfront.net>, on 04/17/2010
at 04:10 PM, LeCouey <***@sfcn.org> said:

>And over the wire at 110 baud! Those were the days ;-)

You had 100? Some had to make do with 75.

>But I seem to remember usenet being there too.

By the time uucp et al were available, there were terminals with lower

>well APARNET was. (I may have misspelled that,

You did; it was ARPANET. Later split into ARPANET and MILNET.

>- Lawrence (adding to the fun ... wincing too <sigh>)

You and Lawrence could have set a FUP.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT <http://patriot.net/~shmuel>

Unsolicited bulk E-mail subject to legal action. I reserve the
right to publicly post or ridicule any abusive E-mail. Reply to
domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+news to contact me. Do not
reply to ***@library.lspace.org
Frank Slootweg
2010-04-18 19:51:46 UTC
LeCouey <***@sfcn.org> wrote:
> On 4/8/2010 8:52 AM, Larry__Weiss wrote:
> > On 4/7/2010 9:28 AM, Richard Bonner wrote:
> >> Posts should be in plain text with no html or MIME, and no binaries
> >> attached.
> >
> > And <grin> just be grateful that we can use lowercase.
> > My computing experiences started out in an uppercase only IT world.
> > If Usenet had begun then,
> >
> And over the wire at 110 baud! Those were the days ;-)

110 baud!? It's probably bloody *duplex* as well! What's wrong with
you youngsters!? We did *75* baud, *simplex* and *Baudot* code! Why
waste three perfectly good bits for every character!?

> But I seem to remember usenet being there too. well APARNET was. (I may have
> misspelled that, it's been a loooonnnnngggg time!)

ARPANET!? We used Avian Carriers! [1]

[1] RFC 1149 A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian
Carriers <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1149.txt>
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
2010-04-08 18:53:49 UTC
FUP set

In <hpi4ps$8m0$***@Kil-nws-1.UCIS.Dal.Ca>, on 04/07/2010
at 02:28 PM, ***@chebucto.ns.ca (Richard Bonner) said:

>Basically, it is best to trim quoted text to just that which pertains to
>the followup comments,

Preceded by an attribution line and followed by a sig delimiter consisting
only of -- space CR LF[1].

> Posts should be in plain text with no html or MIME, and no binaries

In many groups it is acceptable to use MIME encoding for non-ASCII text,
e.g., ‡. Some groups also allow digital signatures. Except as allowed by
the charter, there should be a single MIME part with

Content-type: text/plain; charset=foo

header fields.

[1] CRLF is the value on the wire. Internally that might be CR, CRLF,
LF, NL[2] or NEL.

[2] The last two are not ASCII. Do not confuse NL with a Perl or Unix
logical line end.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT <http://patriot.net/~shmuel>

Unsolicited bulk E-mail subject to legal action. I reserve the right to
publicly post or ridicule any abusive E-mail. Reply to domain Patriot dot
net user shmuel+news to contact me. Do not reply to
Richard Bonner
2010-04-07 14:21:55 UTC
Zaphod Beeblebrox (***@gmail.com) wrote:

> "Tim Meddick" <***@gawab.com> wrote in message
> news:***@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >
> > "Ralf Brinkmann" <***@t-online.de> wrote
> > in message
> > news:***@ralf.brinkmann.wiesbaden.dialin.t-online.de...
> >> Hi Richard!
> >>
> >> *Richard Bonner*:
> >>
> >>> *** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please
> >>> don't post html to *text* newgroups.
> >>
> >> Thank you!
> >>
> >> Cheers,Ralf
> >>
> >> X'Post to:
> >> <news:news.software.readers>,<news:alt.msdos.batch>,<news:alt.msdos.batch.nt>,<news:microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin>,<news:comp.os.msdos.4dos>

> > These so-called "respected experts" that keep trying to "tell" you
> > stuff are just dammed rude if you ask me...

> No, it is *you* sir who is being rude by continuing to ignore the
> conventions and desires of the community in which you are
> participating, and by encouraging others to do the same.
> --
> Zaphod

*** Correct. One would not walk into a meeting hall of an organisation
that has met for decades and conduct one's self in a manner different from
the conventions of that group.

Richard Bonner
Zaphod Beeblebrox
2010-04-05 21:01:31 UTC
"Ralf Brinkmann" <***@t-online.de> wrote in
> Hi Richard!
> *Richard Bonner*:
>> *** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please don't
>> post
>> html to *text* newgroups.
> Thank you!

Hear, hear!


Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, ya know? - Gag Halfrunt
Ed Mullen
2010-04-05 19:21:01 UTC
JeffRelf.F-M.FM @. wrote:
> MIME/HTML messages exist, so Thunder·Bird·3 is the better user·agent;
> you'd be quite LIMITED if you user·agent (or server) didn't handle it.
> I'm talking “ Content-Type: text/HTML ”, not “ multipart/alternative ”.
> Glorb's NNTP server <http://Glorb.COM/usenet.php/>, unfiltered version, is only 10 dollars per YEAR;
> it allows “Simple·HTML” posting.
> By “Simple·HTML” I mean a< PRE> tag with a few< A> tags,
> NOTHING MORE ( like this post, simple tags a blogger might add )
> ― it's simple, mono·spaced and “attachment·free”;

Interesting you cite Glorb. When I go to that link I see:

"For people interested in USENET services, we offer a $10/year
*text-only* newsreader account with posting privileges. Both filtered
and unfiltered access is available."

And in their Acceptable Use Policy they say (III.C.2):

"Postings to USENET groups must comply with the written charters or FAQs
for newsgroups."

As this is a text-based newsgroup you should not post HTML or binaries.
Aside from the fact that it's simply polite to abide by the group's
conventions there are many many examples of "netiquette" you can refer to.





Ed Mullen
Why do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight?
2010-04-05 20:02:04 UTC

Re: Glorb's NNTP server http://Glorb.COM/usenet.php/

Although I use the “unfiltered” version,
it doesn't carry the so·called “binary*” groups.
( *: posts with attachments )

As I'm sure you ( Ed•Mullen ) are aware,
“Simple·HTML*” is “attachment·free”.
( *: simple tags that a blogger might use, e.g. <CODE> and <A> )

I'm not going to read your links but,
if you've “written charters or FAQs” that prohibit attachment·free HTML,
feel free to quote them.
Todd Vargo
2010-04-12 11:50:33 UTC
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
> html is not welcome in all technical groups.
> False. You don't understand Usenet correctly. The distinction in Usenet
> is and always has been between text and binaries, with hypertext falling
> on the text side of that division. It is binaries, not text, that are
> unwelcome in text newsgroups. Binaries are MIME body part types like
> audio/*, video/*, and image/*. The text/* body part types are, as the
> designation states, text.
> I personally prefer reading code in in a fixed pitch font.
> ... which is of course what your reader gives you when someone wraps xyr
> code in a <code> or <pre> element, even when the message is served up by a
> WWW interface such as Google Groups. Whereas the latter, and newsreaders
> if so configured, serve up messages without such markup, to explicitly
> specify code or pre-fomatted elements, in variable-width fonts. So you're
> foolishly cutting your own nose off despite your own face, here.

Interesting thread since my last post but yours deserves a response.

First of all, your silent redirection did not go undetected.

Secondly, your claim that I don't understand Usenet correctly is your own
admission that you don't know how to read correctly. It is true, binaries
are not welcome in text groups but I did not say "text" groups. Read what I
posted several times until you understand the difference.

Third, while <code> and <pre> tags may be available, I have yet to see
anyone requesting code assistance actually use them.

Finally, regardless of whatever your opinion on the subject may be, it is my
choice to withdraw from helping anyone who refuses to comply with my simple
request. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Todd Vargo

(Post questions to group only. Remove \"z\" to email personal messages)

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Tim Meddick
2010-04-12 18:47:55 UTC
Why the hell, even if ALL of what Mr Boyne Pollard wrote was BS, do you feel the need
to make it personal, intimating he's a moron (which he certainly is not) by telling
him to re-read what you wrote until he u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d-s i-t and with comments
like "in your pipe and smoke it"!

I just don't understand why you feel the need to rejoin with stuff like that and not
be able to support a concourse that might end up educating the rest of us?

I think this low-brow exchange of insults you people seem to enjoy is just too


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

"Todd Vargo" <***@sbcglobal.netz> wrote in message
> Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
>> html is not welcome in all technical groups.
>> False. You don't understand Usenet correctly. The distinction in Usenet is and
>> always has been between text and binaries, with hypertext falling on the text side
>> of that division. It is binaries, not text, that are unwelcome in text
>> newsgroups. Binaries are MIME body part types like audio/*, video/*, and image/*.
>> The text/* body part types are, as the designation states, text.
>> I personally prefer reading code in in a fixed pitch font.
>> ... which is of course what your reader gives you when someone wraps xyr code in a
>> <code> or <pre> element, even when the message is served up by a WWW interface
>> such as Google Groups. Whereas the latter, and newsreaders if so configured,
>> serve up messages without such markup, to explicitly specify code or pre-fomatted
>> elements, in variable-width fonts. So you're foolishly cutting your own nose off
>> despite your own face, here.
> Interesting thread since my last post but yours deserves a response.
> First of all, your silent redirection did not go undetected.
> Secondly, your claim that I don't understand Usenet correctly is your own admission
> that you don't know how to read correctly. It is true, binaries are not welcome in
> text groups but I did not say "text" groups. Read what I posted several times until
> you understand the difference.
> Third, while <code> and <pre> tags may be available, I have yet to see anyone
> requesting code assistance actually use them.
> Finally, regardless of whatever your opinion on the subject may be, it is my choice
> to withdraw from helping anyone who refuses to comply with my simple request. Put
> that in your pipe and smoke it!
> --
> Todd Vargo
> (Post questions to group only. Remove \"z\" to email personal messages)
> --- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Todd Vargo
2010-04-13 00:53:42 UTC
Tim Meddick wrote:
> Why the hell, even if ALL of what Mr Boyne Pollard wrote was BS, do you
> feel the need to make it personal, intimating he's a moron (which he
> certainly is not) by telling him to re-read what you wrote until he
> u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d-s i-t and with comments like "in your pipe and smoke
> it"!
> I just don't understand why you feel the need to rejoin with stuff like
> that and not be able to support a concourse that might end up educating
> the rest of us?
> I think this low-brow exchange of insults you people seem to enjoy is just
> too boring.


You obviously don't understand a lot of what you read or post about. In this
particular case, it's how to butt-out of other people's discussions. You
obviously understood my comment was directed to Mr Pollard, and not
yourself, which was regarding his comments directed to myself. But for
whatever reason, you seem to take it upon yourself to protect him (and
others) without actually understanding the discussions. I'm not here to be
your personal tutor, to teach you how to understand every post. What I
posted was clear enough. If you can not understand this simple discussion,
then it is best you remain silent because it does not involve you anyway.
You create your own confusion for yourself (and others) by constantly
posting without understanding what the discussions are about.

Go back to the twit filter where you belong.


Todd Vargo

(Post questions to group only. Remove \"z\" to email personal messages)

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Kenny McCormack
2010-04-15 01:00:42 UTC
In article <hq04pa$2mi3$***@adenine.netfront.net>,
Todd Vargo <***@sbcglobal.netz> wrote:
>You obviously don't understand a lot of what you read or post about. In this
>particular case, it's how to butt-out of other people's discussions. You
>obviously understood my comment was directed to Mr Pollard, and not
>yourself, which was regarding his comments directed to myself. But for
>whatever reason, you seem to take it upon yourself to protect him (and

If you want it private, there is this thing called email (and, for those
of you with an even more traditional take on things, the telephone).

I.e., if you carry on a one-on-one feud in a public forum, expect the
rest of us to chirp in from time-to-time. If you don't like it, take it

(None of the above is new or original - but I guess things need to be
repeated every so often)

(This discussion group is about C, ...)

Wrong. It is only OCCASIONALLY a discussion group
about C; mostly, like most "discussion" groups, it is
off-topic Rorsharch revelations of the childhood
traumas of the participants...
Richard Bonner
2010-04-07 14:19:29 UTC
Todd Vargo (***@sbcglobal.netz) wrote:
> Tim Meddick wrote:
> > Oh when will the world be rid of [would-be] control freaks?!
> >
> > Some very respectable people including some MVPs have posted to these
> > groups in HTML...
> >
> > There's nothing wrong in doing it!

> We have already heard your personal opinion several times. Repeating it
> multiple times again, and with name calling added, does not make your
> opinion more important than others.

> Please have the courtesy to confine html posts to groups that welcome html.
> This thread is obviously crossposted to groups where html is not welcome. As
> you have seen by the multiple html protests/complaints, html is not welcome
> in all technical groups. Just because someone holds an MVP title and
> possibly respected for their hacking abilities, does not mean they are
> respected for their posting habits. Some MVPs are even downright rude to
> others because they do not spend enough time in the big room. Using someone
> else to support your own opinion only shows your own ignorance on the
> subject.

*** Right on, Todd.

> I personally prefer reading code in in a fixed pitch font.
> -
> Todd Vargo

*** Fixed pitch means that code will line up properly as opposed to
differing html fonts.

Richard Bonner
Richard Bonner
2010-04-05 11:28:32 UTC
Tim Meddick (***@gawab.com) wrote:
> Oh when will the world be rid of [would-be] control freaks?!

> Some very respectable people including some MVPs have posted to these
groups in > HTML...

> There's nothing wrong in doing it!
> ==

> Tim Meddick

*** I am afraid that there is. These are *text* newsgroups, not
Internet forums. Those with readers set to text will see a lot of html
code as will be demonstrated with the next post.

Plus, some news servers *delete* binary and html posts, so some will
will not see them in any format.

Richard Bonner
Tim Meddick
2010-04-05 19:26:17 UTC
Well obviously this isn't one of them, is it?!


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

"Richard Bonner" <***@chebucto.ns.ca> wrote in message news:hpchh0$8vp$***@Kil-nws-1.UCIS.Dal.Ca...
> Tim Meddick (***@gawab.com) wrote:
>> Oh when will the world be rid of [would-be] control freaks?!
>> Some very respectable people including some MVPs have posted to these
> groups in > HTML...
>> There's nothing wrong in doing it!
>> ==
>> Tim Meddick
> *** I am afraid that there is. These are *text* newsgroups, not
> Internet forums. Those with readers set to text will see a lot of html
> code as will be demonstrated with the next post.
> Plus, some news servers *delete* binary and html posts, so some will
> will not see them in any format.
> --
> Richard Bonner
> http://www.chebucto.ca/~ak621/DOS/
Stefan Kanthak
2010-04-06 11:21:15 UTC
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 "Tim Meddick" <\cf1\ul ***@gawab.com> \cf0\ulnone wrote:\line\line STOP crossposting without
FollowUp-To:\line Crossposting over different usenet hierarchies is BAD!\line\line > Well obviously this isn't one of them, is it?!
\line\line Obviously yours is a top post with completely superfluous full quote.\line In medieval times any one of them would have
caused the then usual UDP.\line\line > ==\line\line And last, not least: the signature separator is "-- ", not "=="\line\line >
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)\line\line [ braindead full quote removed ]\line\line Stefan\par
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
2010-04-06 22:11:28 UTC
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
<blockquote cite="mid:hpfc6i$2ag5$***@adenine.netfront.net" type="cite">
<blockquote type="cite">
<p id="line1">Crossposting over different usenet hierarchies is BAD!</p>
<p>HTML is one thing, but RTF? </p>
<p>M. Karthank is just trolling, again.&nbsp; If you put "Stefan Karthak"
into Google Groups, as I mentioned doing in this very newsgroup back on
2010-03-17, you too can put <a
and <a
together to make four.&nbsp; You can see a pattern of trolling behaviour
that goes
back for more than half a decade.&nbsp; I recommend taking <a
Vargo's</a> <a
advice</a>. </p>
<p>There's irony here, by the way.&nbsp; If M. Karthank actually knew xyr
stuff in regard to Usenet and the Internet message format, xe would
know about <code>text/enriched</code> and <code>text/richtext</code>,
which is the MIME bodypart type that xe was apparently grasping for and
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
2010-04-05 20:34:49 UTC
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
<blockquote cite="mid:hpchh0$8vp$***@Kil-nws-1.UCIS.Dal.Ca" type="cite">
<p wrap="">These are <em>text</em> newsgroups, [...]<br>
<p>... and the 'T' in "HTML" stands for "text".&nbsp; The distinction in
Usenet is between text and <em>binaries</em>, not between text and