Date commands
(too old to reply)
2010-10-25 13:35:09 UTC
If one wants to perform a command on a set of files so as to do
something to them before a given filedate, what command syntax does it?
E. S. Fabian
2010-10-25 13:48:06 UTC

| If one wants to perform a command on a set of files so as to do
| something to them before a given filedate, what command syntax does
| it?

If you mean you want to process only files older than a specified date,
in all JPsoft products and their freeware successors you can use the date
range as /[dyear-mn-dy,1980-01-01]. In more recent versions of TCC and TCCLE
you can use the "reverse range" syntax: /![dyear-mn-dy]. Note I used the ISO
date style in the samples, which work regardless of your default format.
Unfortunately there is (as yet) no syntax that allows specifying a date
range relative to specific files' timestamps DIRECTLY. You need to use the
@FILEDATE variable function for that purpose.
HTH, Steve